Winter Predictions for 2019-2020
It's that time of year where the snowmobile community is anxiously awaiting the first snowfall and binging any weather resource we can find on the seasonal outlook. We viewed as many as we can find and breakdown the results of each one.
This one is from Direct Weather and it is a snowmobiler's dream. Everybody wins with the Midwest and Northeast having a great season. Average lake effect for the snow belts, which we would take any year! Storms tracks covering huge amounts of land in the midwest and northeast outside of the snow belts which will help spread out traffic and the amount of great trails for everyone to enjoy. If this outlook comes true, it will be a perfect winter.
Next up is NOAA's precipitation and temperature prediction for December, January and February.
This predicts average temps for the midwest and above average in the northeast with above average precipitation for the midwest and good amount of the northeast's ridding ares. These maps are more based on probability of things happening and don't give the best gauge on how the winter will turn out for ridding. I've obsessed over these maps many times on trips out west and the results were never accurate. I included them because it's mostly in are favor!
Accuweather's Winter forecast
Accuweather's prediction calls for a slower start in the northeast and to really ramp up after the start of 2020. For the midwest signs of our good friend the polar vortex showing face this year are appearing later this year. Saying above average snowfall which is music to our ears. You can read more on their prediction here.
Farmer's Almanac
The Farmer's Almanac looks promising as well. Though I do not know the difference between frigid and frozen and how the northeast can be labeled as cold and have a wintery mix. This is one that always seems like they are shooting from the hip but since it looks good, we featured it.
As we find more outlooks we will continue to update this page. Early indicators are looking great and leaving nobody out of the fun, fingers crossed it comes true. As always pray for snow!