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Snowmobile Trail Grant List

Snowmobile trail grants are the life blood of our sport and without them there is no grooming, trail creation, reroutes and more.  It’s critical all clubs and members are aware of the grant opportunities to continue operation of the trails. This is a living guide which we will keep updated with the latest resources and deadlines.  There are two grant sections, Federal grants and State grants. If you know of any trail grants we missed, please send us an email at and we will get it added.

Federal Grants

Provider: United States Department of Agriculture

Name: Rural Business Development Grant

Notes: This grant is for areas with a population less than 50,000 and can help with equipment purchase, acquiring land and trail development. For more details on qualification checkout this link:

Deadlines: Applications are closed currently but look to open in November and close in February. Next application window is not currently published. Check this link for the most up to date application window


Provider: U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration

Name: Recreational Trails Program

Notes: This program is distributed by each state. For more information checkout this link to access your state’s contact:


Provider: Polaris Industries

Name: T.R.A.I.L.S. Grant Program

Notes: Put on by snowmobile manufacturer Polaris Industries. Max funding amount is $10,000 and can apply for two grants per year.  All organizations must be non-profit or government organization.

Deadline: Application window is March 1st through September 1st.




Provider: Ski-Doo

Name: Ski-Doo Snow Pass

Notes: Similar to the T.R.A.I.L.S. program but put on by Ski-Doo. Must be a government or non-profit. Each grant is worth up to $5,000 but must have matching funds for the project.

Deadline: Open until September 15th, 2023





Grants By State


Maine Grants


Provider: Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry 

Name: Snowmobile Grants

Notes: There are 4 types of grants, Club, Municipal, Capital and Disaster Relief. Each have different application dates.


Club: December 1st

Municipal: December 1st

Capital: June 15th

Disaster: Within 60 Days after event





Massachusetts Grants

Provider: Massachusetts Department of Conservation & Recreation

Name: MassTrails Grants

Notes: Reimbursement grants for non-profit and government that require the organization to provide at least 20% of total project grant.

Deadline: Currently Closed.  Reopens in November and closes February 1st, 2024.



Michigan Grants

Provider: Michigan Department of Natural Resources

Name: Snowmobile Trail Improvement Fund

Notes: Covers seasonal grooming and general maintenance of snowmobile trails, special projects to improve trail condition or access and replacement of trail maintenance equipment. Must be local government or non-profit organization.


New Trail Proposals can be submitted year round.  

Applications for grants are made available in late spring.  

Grant applications with required documents are due in the summer.

Grant agreements issued in October



Minnesota Grants

Provider: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources

Name: Minnesota Snowmobile Trails Assistance Program

Notes:  There are couple of grants available from the MN DNR.  Maintenance and Grooming grants and Trail Improvement Grants.  The trail improvement grant is for projects over $10,000 with the club or organization providing at least 25% of the funds.

Deadlines: For Trail Improvement application window is April 1st through May 31st.

Grooming and Maintenance:

May 15th for Application, additional certifications required to receive funds.



Provider: Sno Barons

Name: Snowmobile Trail Grant

Notes: Sno Baron’s put on the famous Haydays show and use the profits to provide trail grants to Minnesota clubs. Each grant has a value of $150-$1500.

Deadlines: November 1st



New Hampshire Grants

Provider: New Hampshire State Parks

Name: Grant-In-Aid

Notes: This program has two applications, a summer one for trail work/equipment and a winter grant for grooming assitance.

Deadline: Not provided



Provider: New Hampshire Snowmobile Association

Name: Raymond S. Burton Memorial Trail Project Award

Notes: A yearly grant to pay tribute to Ray Burton with an award of $1000. All NHSA affiliate clubs are eligible.

Deadline: April 1st every year.



New York Grants

Provider: New York State Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation

Name: New York State Snowmobile Trail Grant-In-Aid Program

Notes: New York’s all encompassing statewide grant program. This program covers every facet of what it takes to run a trail system such as trail creation & maintenance, mapping and grooming.

Deadline: June 1st.



Pennsylvania Grants

Provider: Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources

Name: Snowmobile Management Restricted Account

Notes: Covers everything related to trail creation and maintenance.  Does not require a match but have higher odds of receiving the grant.

Deadline: Not provided



Provider: Pennsylvania Snowmobile State Association

Name: PSSA Mini-grant

Notes: Grants are awarded for maintenance and renovation of existing trails, development or rehab of trailside/trailhead facilities, renting of train construction supplies, parts and espuipement, and groomer maintenance expenses.  Max award is $3250 as of the 2020 document.

Deadline: September
